We’ve all heard of Twilight. I mean, who hasn’t? It seems that there is no getting away from choosing Team Jacob or Team Edward. And whilst the movies are pretty good, people tend to forget just how BAD the books are. Bella has NO personality and her relationship with Edward moved way too quickly. But what am I getting at here, you wonder, other than dissing Stephanie Meyer? AN ALTERNATIVE.
Yes, some of us cannot get away from our favourite blood-sucking friends but cannot endure Bella’s depressing ways. Well I advise you get a read of this:
Blue Bloods English Cover
THE BLUE BLOOD series by Melissa De La Cruz.
Schuyler Van Alen lives in Manhattan and goes to Duchesne, filled with the countries most elite families. What she is yet to find out is that…you guessed it! She’s a vampire! But when a popular girl at her school is killed, mystery fills the school. Not to mention, Jack Force, the most popular boy in the school, is showing a sudden interest in her. Sky and her friends must dig up the hidden secrets of the past to survive the danger of the future.

For those of you that are wary of vampire novels, it’s more than that. This book is filled with:

Mystery        Fashion         AND

Action            Romance          MORE !!!


Masquerase (#2)

Revelations (#3)


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